arrow burger cart close info phone print search soc-fb soc-insta soc-tw user warehouse wishlist Adobe Illustrator 25.0 (Windows) 2021-04-20T16:38:35+01:00 176 256 JPEG /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f Hx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8f/8AAEQgBAACwAwER AAIRAQMRAf/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ qbnJ2en5KjpKWmp6ipqqusra6voRAAICAQIDBQUEBQYECAMDbQEAAhEDBCESMUEFURNhIgZxgZEy obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp 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G/lj518ifn7pFn5j057ZGivVt71P3lrNS2k3imHwnbfiaMO4GKv/2Q== 2021-04-20T16:38:35+01:00 2021-04-20T16:38:35+01:00 32.000000 32.000000 Pixels 1 False False Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Default Swatch Group 0 image/svg+xml xmp.did:50cd62f8-44b9-f345-9c61-f92bec19fe4c xmp.iid:50cd62f8-44b9-f345-9c61-f92bec19fe4c xmp.did:50cd62f8-44b9-f345-9c61-f92bec19fe4c saved xmp.iid:50cd62f8-44b9-f345-9c61-f92bec19fe4c 2021-04-20T16:38:35+01:00 Adobe Illustrator 25.0 (Windows) /

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Panasonic AW-HE130 HD Integrated PTZ Camera (Black)
Panasonic AW-HE130 HD Integrated PTZ Camera (Black)
Panasonic AW-HE130 HD Integrated PTZ Camera (Black)
Panasonic AW-HE130 HD Integrated PTZ Camera (Black)
Panasonic AW-HE130 HD Integrated PTZ Camera (Black)Panasonic AW-HE130 HD Integrated PTZ Camera (Black)Panasonic AW-HE130 HD Integrated PTZ Camera (Black)

Panasonic AW-HE130 HD Integrated PTZ Camera (Black)

SKU: 461022 | Brand: Panasonic | Condition: New

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$996.00 (15%)

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The Panasonic AW-HE130 HD Integrated PTZ Camera, in black, is capable of transmitting up to four channels over IP and at the same time a single channel over SDI or HDMI. IP channel 1 supports up to 1080p60 H.264 transmission, IP channel 2 up to 1080p30, and IP channels 3 and 4 up to 720p30. The SDI and HDMI outputs support up to 1080p60. In a multicast setup, the four IP channels can be sent simultaneously to a total of up to 14 devices (including one Android device).

The AW-HE130 features a high-sensitivity, low-noise 1/2.86" 3MOS sensor, an advanced digital signal processor (that's used in Panasonic broadcast camcorders such as the AJ-PX270), and a motorized 20x zoom lens. It's designed to capture high-image quality even in low-light conditions in sports, news, corporate, and other professional applications. The camera also offers Power-over-Ethernet+ (PoE+), which delivers more power than standard PoE and also allows for quicker and less expensive installation. Other features include 12-axis color correction, built-in neutral density filters, and optical image stabilization.

4-Channel IP Transmission

The AW-HE130 is capable of transmitting 4 channels of video over IP plus over a 3G-SDI or HDMI output at the same time. IP channel 1 and the 3G-SDI/HDMI outputs deliver up to 1080p60 video, IP channel 2 up to 1080p30, and IP channels 3 and 4 up to 720p30.

1/2.86" 3MOS Sensor

Equipped with three advanced 1/2.86" Full HD MOS sensors and DSP (Digital Signal Processor), the AW-HE130 achieves high sensitivity, a high S/N ratio, and high resolution through the use of advanced video processing.

Optical Image Stabilizer and Digital Extender

Optical Image Stabilization System (OIS) automatically minimizes the effect of small vibrations from the surface where the camera is mounted, whether this is caused by the opening and closing of doors, nearby speakers, or other disturbances. A high performance 20x zoom lens with 1.4x digital extender zoom can increase the effective focal length of the lens by 40% while delivering smooth, high-resolution video.

IP Transmission without Separate Encoder

There is no need for a separate encoder normally required when streaming video and audio via IP.

POE+ for Lower Installation Cost

By connecting to network devices that support the IEEE 802.3 at POE+ standard, power can be supplied via LAN cable. Since it is not necessary to install a power supply or even a local AC outlet, installation costs can be significantly reduced.

Image Monitoring via Windows, Mac, and Mobile

Using an IP browser, such as Internet Explorer or Safari, it is possible to set up and control the camera from a remote location. This feature simplifies the management of cameras around a campus or across a worldwide enterprise network. IP video monitoring and remote camera control can also be performed from mobile terminals such as iPhones, iPads, and Android devices.

Flexible IP Control Architecture

Up to a hundred AW-HE130 cameras can be controlled via IP from a single AW-RP120G or AW-RP50 controller (optional), or from a PC. One AW-HE130 can also be simultaneously controlled by up to five AW-RP120G or AW-RP50s controllers via IP. Optional Remote Operation Panel AK-HRP200G can be used for precise color adjustment.

Advanced Color Adjustment

In addition to the conventional twelve axes, three additional axes have been added for the skin tone area. This makes it possible to reproduce skin tones with greater precision.

Color Temperature Adjustment

In addition to the usual white balance modes, a new variable color temperature-based function has been added. This makes it easier to make the precise camera adjustments required for different lighting conditions.

Dynamic Range Stretch (DRS) / Hybrid DNR

Black defects, halation, and washed-out colors are minimized for video images with a visually broad dynamic range (DRS). In addition, with Hybrid Digital Noise Reduction (Hybrid DNR), two types of noise reduction, 2D, and 3D, are used together to enable clear video capture under a wide range of lighting conditions, with minimal after-image blurring or image degradation.

Night Mode

The AW-HE130 can deliver high-quality monochrome video in total darkness when the camera's Night Mode is used in conjunction with an optional IR illuminator.

Freeze During Preset Function

The Freeze During Preset function may be enabled to freeze the video during preset playback. The immediately preceding still image is output during preset movements so that the swiveling movement is not displayed, making operations possible with one camera.

Audio Input Function

The AW-HE130 supports audio input, embedding, and encoding. The input from the camera's switchable mic/line input can be combined with the SDI, HDMI, and streaming outputs for mixing, recording, or transmission.

Quiet Operation

Thanks to its fanless design and advanced pan/tilt mechanism, the AW-HE130 is very quiet and greatly reduces audio noise during video capture.

Smooth Pan/Tilt Movement

The AW-HE130 achieves smoother and more natural movement during on-air shots. The pan/tilt head also has a wide shooting range, with a pan range of ±175° and a tilt range of -30 to 210°. The pan/tilt drive provides high-speed operation at a maximum of 60°/sec, excellent response to remote control operation, and precise stop control. These features combine to accurately capture fast-action sports scenes or smooth concert footage. The noise level during operation is also very low, at NC35 or less, which is ideal for use in quiet environments. (Depending on the position of the pan and tilt, the unit may be reflected in the image.)

Compatible Controllers

AW-RP120, AW-RP50, AK-HRP200

Other Features

  • Equipped with ND filters (through, 1/8, 1/64)
  • Four assignable scene files
  • Preset memory of up to 100 positions
  • Functions such as freeze during preset and digital extender zoom can be assigned to the user buttons on compatible controllers
  • RS-422 remote terminal; up to five units can be controlled via serial control from a controller
  • RS-232C remote terminal (standard serial communication support)
  • Up to four units can be operated with a wireless remote controller (AW-RM50G, sold separately)
  • Easy installation thanks to use of turn/lock mechanism
  • Color variations (black/white) can be chosen for different applications or conditions

Imaging Sensor 1/2.86"-type Full HD 3MOS
Input Genlock: 1 x BNC (Black Burst Sync, tri-level sync supported. Locking to a color subcarrier is not possible with BBS)

PoE+: 1 x RJ45 (IEEE802.3at standard)

RS-422A: 1 x RJ45

RS-232: 1 x RS-232C

Stereo Analog Audio: 1 x 3.5 mm
High impedance
During Mic Input:
Stereo mic (plug-in power, on/off switching via menu)
Supply Voltage: 2.5 ±0.5 V
Approx. -40 ±3 dBV (0 dB=1 V/Pa, 1 kHz) mic input sensitivity
During Line Input:
Approx. -10 ±3 dBV input level

Power: 1 x 12 VDC barrel
Output HDMI: 1 x HDMI Type A (HDCP is not supported; Viera Link is not supported)

3G/HD/SD-SDI: 1 x BNC (SMPTE424/SMPTE292/SMPTE259, 75 Ohms)

Composite: 1 x BNC PAL 1.0 V p-p, 75 Ohms)

RS-232: 1 x RS-232C
Output Formats IP:
Channel 1 (H.264):
1080p/720p: 60/50, up to 24 Mb/s, 48 kHz (AAC)

Channel 2 (H.264):
1080p/720p/640 x 360/320 x 180/160 x 90: 30/25/15/12.5/5, up to 24 Mb/s, 48 kHz (AAC)

Channels 3/4 (H.264):
720p/640 x 360/320 x 180/160 x 90: 30/25/15/12.5/5, up to 24 Mb/s, 48 kHz (AAC)

1080p: 59.94/50/29.97/25/23.98
1080i: 59.94/50
1080PsF: 29.97/25/23.98
720p: 59.94/50
576p: 50
480p: 59.94
Lens Motorized 20x zoom, f/1.6 - 3.4
(f=4.5 - 90mm; 35 mm equivalent: 32.13 - 642.5mm)
Focus Distance 31.5 - 15.7" (800 - 400 mm)
Focusing switchable between auto and manual
Color Separation Optical System 3MOS
Minimum Illumination 2 lx (50%, f/1.6, 36 dB)
Horizontal Resolution 1000 TV lines Typ (center area)
Gain Selection Auto, 0 - 36 dB
Frame Mix 0/6/12/18/24 dB
Electronic Shutter Speed 59.94p/59.94i: 1/100, 1/120, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/4000, 1/10000

29.97p: 1/30, 1/60, 1/120, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/4000, 1/10000

23.98p: 1/24, 1/60, 1/120, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/4000, 1/10000

50p/50i: 1/60, 1/120, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/4000, 1/10000

25p: 1/25, 1/60, 1/120, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/4000, 1/10000
Synchro Scan 59.94 Hz: 60.15 - 642.21 Hz
50 Hz: 50.15 - 535.71 Hz
0.30 to 0.75 (manual setting)
White Balance AWB A, AWB B, ATW, 3200K, 5600K, VAR (2000 - 15000K)
Chroma Variability: Off, -99 to 40%
Scene File Scene1, Scene2, Scene3, Scene4
Synchronization System Internal/External synchronization (BBS/Tri-level sync)
Installation Standalone (desktop) or suspended (hanging)
Pan/Tilt Control IP Connecting Cable:

With Hub:
Cat 5e or above straight cable up to 328' (100 m)

Without Hub:
Cat 5 or above crossover cable up to 328' (100 m)

RP Connecting Cable:
Cat 5 or above straight cable up to 3280' (1000 m)
RS-422 A, AW series protocol
Pan/Tilt Speed 0.08 to 60°/sec
Panning Range ±175°
Tilting Range -30 to 210°
Quietness NC35 or less
Computer Requirements Intel Core 2 DUO 2.4 GHz or more

Windows: Windows 8.1 Professional 64-bit / 32-bit, Internet Explorer 11
Windows 8 Professional 64-bit / 32-bit, Internet Explorer 10
Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit / 32-bit, Internet Explorer 11, 10, 9, 8
1 GB RAM (2 GB or more for 64-bit editions)

OS X 10.9, Safari 7.0.2
OS X 10.8, Safari 6.1.2
OS X 10.7, Safari 6.1.2

iOS 7.1
Android (version not specified by manufacturer)

CD-ROM drive (for using Operating Instructions and various software)
Adobe Reader (for viewing Operating Instructions on the CD-ROM)

*Internet Explorer for Windows UI is not supported (use the desktop version)
*Windows XP compatibility mode is not supported
*64-bit version of Internet Explorer is not supported
Network Function 1 x 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX port
Image Display Resolution: 1024 x 768 resolution or more
Color Generation: True Color 24-bit or more
Controller Supported AW-RP120, AW-RP50, AK-HRP200
Power Requirements 12 VDC (AC adapter included)
42-57 VDC (PoE+ power supply)
Current Consumption 1.8 A (AC adapter supplied)
0.6 A (PoE+ power supply)
Ambient Operating Temperature 32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C)
Storage Temperature -4 to 122°F (-20 to 50°C)
Humidity 20 to 90% (no condensation)
Dimensions 7.1 x 9 x 9.2" (18 x 23 x 23 cm), excluding protrusions, cable cover, and direct ceiling mount bracket
Weight Approx. 6.8 lb (3.1 kg), including mount bracket
Packaging Info
Package Weight 11.35 lb
Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 16 x 13.3 x 12.5"

Panasonic AW-HE130 HD Integrated PTZ Camera (Black)
Mount Bracket
Drop-Prevention Wire
Bracket Mounting Screws (Bind-Head, M4 x 10mm)
Main Unit Mounting Screw (M3 x 6mm)
Cable Cover
Power Cable
AC Adapter
Brand New Factory Fresh Import Model